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Duplicate Photos Fixer (Android)

Photos occupy more than 50% of space on Android devices; about 10% of them are duplicates. This app helps to clean the duplicate and similar photos to recover valuable space and keep your photo gallery organized!

Google Play Store

Compatible with Android 4.0+

Search Icon

Scan for Duplicates

Scan your Android device to identify identical & similar looking photos

Delete Icon

Delete Duplicates

Auto mark and remove multiple versions of the same photo with a single click

Reload Icon

Recover Wasted Device Space

Save valuable storage space by deleting duplicate and near identical photos

How does Duplicate Photos Fixer work?

Duplicate Photos Fixer is a simple yet powerful tool which can save you from manually sifting through hundreds of duplicate and near identical photos. Simply launch the app and choose type of scan to scan and remove unneeded copies of images in a jiffy. It not only helps in recovering precious device space but also your valuable time.

Benefits of Duplicate Photos Fixer

Duplicate Photos Fixer helps you in removing multiple copies of identical and similar images, thereby resulting in a trim and organized photo gallery. The best part? It's all automated! You don't have to sift through hundreds of photos manually. A few simple clicks and you're done!

List Icon

Organized gallery

Deleting duplicates gives you an organized and
neat gallery of photos

Rocket Icon

Increased Free Space

Removing duplicate and similar photos results
in more free device space

People Icon

Eliminate duplicates

Deleting duplicate and similar looking photos removes clutter and redundancy

Classification Icon

Classified Duplicates in Groups

Scanned duplicate and similar photos are categorized in groups for easy deletion.

Picture Collage

Why choose Duplicate Photos Fixer?

If you like to keep your photo gallery organized and clutter free, Duplicate Photos Fixer is just the tool you need to get the job done! It helps you remove duplicate and similar images from your Android devices easily and quickly.

Save valuable storage space and your precious time with this nifty little tool. You don't need to remove each and every duplicate photo from your device manually; simply get Duplicate Photos Fixer to do the job for you! Save device space, save time!

Compatible with Android 4.0+